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Current time: Aug 20, 7:54 AM
 | General Discussion This is the place for conversation about all things ROBLOX. Posts not pertaining to ROBLOX will be mercilessly pruned by our crack squad of moderators. | 82,742 | 929,673 | Today @ 07:54 AM by MarioFanNo1 |
 | Creations Gallery Discuss your ROBLOX creations and share the secrets of your success. Post requests for help building and scripting here. | 22,242 | 81,041 | Today @ 07:53 AM by hintboy50 |
 | Suggestions, Feedback, and Ideas Do you have a suggestion for how to make ROBLOX better? Share your feedback here. | 13,844 | 81,920 | Today @ 07:50 AM by desimilatorrules |
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 | ROBLOX Testing This is the place to talk about the exciting stuff going on with the ROBLOX Test servers. Official news about testing will be posted here. All topics about the Test servers belong in this forum. [Note: Test servers will not be up all the time. Up times will be announced.] | 727 | 3,544 | Today @ 07:08 AM by Agent27 |
 | Building Help Learn the ins and outs of building structures in ROBLOX here! Share your techniques with other builders, discuss designs, and draft plans. | 14,083 | 62,584 | Today @ 07:43 AM by lunablox |
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 | Role-Playing Does your Robloxian want to fly to the moon? Command a ship? Lay siege to a castle? Start a role-playing thread here. | 3,080 | 102,079 | Today @ 07:54 AM by Technician47 |
 | ROBLOXiwood The forum for movie-makers! | 2,067 | 13,543 | Today @ 07:40 AM by TAKER38 |
 | Rate My Robloxian Show the world of ROBLOX your character. Get feedback on your outfit. | 6,034 | 41,492 | Today @ 07:49 AM by undertakerules |
 | Sports Show off your ROBLOX athlete. Or just hang out with other ROBLOX fans. | 1,361 | 12,970 | Today @ 01:15 AM by smallbrat |
 | Music Does your Robloxian rock? Let people know. Or just talk about your favorite bands. | 2,195 | 17,086 | Today @ 07:32 AM by penguinguy |
 | Movies/TV/Books Does your Robloxian belong on the silver screen, or in the pages of a novel? Show off your ROBLOX movie star, discuss your favorite TV series, films, and the books you love. | 1,971 | 14,893 | Today @ 07:49 AM by rrtt350 |